In the resources in this section you will hear from undergraduate consultants, graduate fellows, and faculty members from The Writing Place team. They have all distilled their research and personal experience into valuable advice for writers.
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We invite you to distribute and share content from our resources for non-commercial use provided you attribute the content to The Writing Place at Northwestern University and to named authors (where relevant). We provide you with printable versions of various resources to facilitate your sharing, and ask that if you alter, transform, or build upon our work that you license it under the same (or similar) license.
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Planning and Organizing Your Writing
Learn tips on writing a thesis, overcoming writer’s block, organizing large projects, and more.

Negotiating and Composing Writing in Common Genres
Learn how to write in a variety of genres including book reviews, literature reviews, and abstracts.

Writing in Specific Disciplines and Fields
Writing about film? Philosophy? Art history? Find relevant resources here.

Responding to Feedback and Revising Your Writing
Learn how to respond to feedback from peers, advisors, and other audiences.

Polishing Your Language: Style, Tone, Grammar, and Punctuation
Learn more about style, tone, grammar, and punctuation.

Writing Citations and Navigating Style Guides
Tackle citations with the help of these resources.